5 Everyday Photography Ideas

5 Everyday Photography Ideas

Rocco Basile, an expert photographer and a wonderful gentleman to get to know, offers you a bit of his very best advice in regards to simple, everyday ideas that you can incorporate into your photography – ones which can make a world of difference.

Five Basic Photography Ideas to Get You Started in the Right Direction – Let’s Get Those Creative Juices Flowing, Shall We?

1. Have You Considered H20?

No, seriously, water drop art is the concept here. It’s simple. It’s uniquely elegant. It offers a classy stroke and a beautiful finishing touch. Water-diluted paint does not stain fabrics or materials easily either, which is always an added benefit for a novice painter.

2. Indoor Splash Shots, Anyone?

A remote flash gun and a clear-sided container all that’s required here – as well as a creative mind, of course. Get that imagination to do the best work for you, and you can consider this project wrapped. Drop an object in water, and capture the moment with the best in shutter speed technology. Use your manual focus.

3. Art That Smokes

This one is often called smoking art, and that’s because still-life photographers love to use smoke trails for the elegant simplicity and natural beauty that they offer as those dark trails rise to the sky. Slow Capture is often a great tool for pinning these shots as is creating Photoshop-projected shapes to add to the visual appeal and make the final cut more enticing. Begin by practicing through taking numerous photos of smoke art at different angles, settings and in varied locations. Warp Transform settings are also available on many cameras to guide the final shape.

4. How About We Cross Polarize It Instead?

Polarized light is particularly useful in positively enhancing the appearance of numerous plastic objects or materials in a similar way to the Greenhouse Effect. Polarizing filters are included in most computer screens, iPhones and iPads as well, taking the work out of the process. You simply need to apply the filter and leave the device in a still position, or you may even manually time it yourself: It’s truly that simple, and there’s no hidden catch. You don’t even need to be a good capturer as the synchronization is not as big an issue here.

5. Landscapes with Food? Genius – Why Did I Never Think of That?

The best part, as well as the least considered, is this: You don’t need to use real food. The best way to engage in this form of project is to buy plastic food replicas or models and use them over and over again to your heart’s content. Fake fruits work especially well as their bright colors attract the camera’s best shots and appeal to the juicy appetite in every viewer. Dollar stores sell these at minimal cost. Shop today.

Other Reference Sources Used with Permission

(Retrieved Online on May 05, 2017)



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