Avery Arjang Shares the Complete Guide to Wedding Photography
A List to Go By
One thing that is important is to go into this knowing what’s expected of you. What does the couple want from you and what type of images are they looking for. Find out ahead of time what this could be. Have the couple sit down and create a list of photos they would like you to take. Then as the day progresses you can check each of those requirements off the list. This will ensure that the couple is happy. A happy couple means referrals and more business.
Know Your Surroundings
Be aware of the location before the day of the wedding. This is extremely important. You want to make sure you include the beach shots if it is a beach wedding. Also, remember the lighting and how it changes during the day. Different lighting means that you will have to be creative to create those great shots. Work with it.
Plan Ahead
It is important above all else to be prepared. Have everything you may need for the day including extra batteries and films as well. It also includes being prepared for those things that could happen. Such as, be aware of the weather and how it could change. A sunny day can turn cloudy in a blink of an eye. Use the lighting to create the best pictures possible. Make sure to get a copy of the wedding itinerary so that you aren’t surprised by anything. Being prepared can make things go a lot smoother in the end.
Sounds are not Appealing
Make sure to turn the sound completely off on the camera. There are certain times during a wedding that the occasional beep or flash of a camera is not always appropriate. During speeches and vows are the most important parts of the day. Don’t ruin it with the sounds coming from your camera.
Remember the Small Things
There are certain aspects of a wedding that some may forget. These are little details that are very important to the couple. Take photos of the tables during the reception when nobody is around. Menus and flowers are great shots. Remember to take photos of the rings and the back of dresses too for great details to capture.
One is Not Enough
Make sure to bring more than one camera. Set both of the cameras up with different lenses. This will give different dimensions and photos for the same image. This will give you the best photo you can get the image and give you a lot more to choose from. The different angles and dimensions are great to collaborate together.
Getting the Shot
It is alright to be a little bold when looking for that perfect shot. Make sure you aren’t being pushy or inconsiderate of other viewers. They want to see the couple at those perfect times as well. Make sure to set yourself up for the perfect place for certain shots. Some of these include the wedding cake and first dance. Make sure to be in the right spot but don’t ruin the moment created for the ceremony.
Take RAW Shots
Taking photos in the RAW gives photographers the ability to manipulate images. This way they can create them to look like what they want them to look like. It is not a type of image that’s taken a lot. A wedding is one of those times however when using this type of shot could be very rewarding.
Mistakes are Alright
Don’t delete any images during the day. It is hard to resist the urge to erase those photos that you don’t think are the greatest. There may be something hidden there though. Don’t delete until you have time to sit down and go through each shot. Also, remember that through cropping and manipulation an image becomes something else. You can create great images from mistakes taken throughout the day.
Enjoy Yourself
Make sure to remember that you are doing what you love. Have fun with it. Make sure to take photos of the silly things people do at weddings and photos of the children. That is always a crowd pleaser.
Avery Arjang reminds us that photography can be very complex and rewarding at the same time. Remember to take your time and have fun. Follow these tips to have a great experience and create more photos for your portfolio.