Matthew David Parker Photography

Photographer Matthew David Parker, in the following article, shares his favorite tips for taking pictures of dogs. Fun loving creatures that have a tough time sitting still. Lock in your f-stop and settle down for this heartwarming read about photographing man’s best friend.
How to take pictures of dogs can be a fun and productive event. To ensure that you get good pictures of dogs, there are some tips that will not only make taking pictures of dogs enjoyable but will also make it a fun and memorable experience.
One tip that many have used for years is bribery. For examples, check out this photographers contact sheet. To get this process going, give your dog a few small treats. Once he or she knows you have the treats and that they are being given out freely, keep them in your hand and near your camera while you begin to photograph. Looks of expectation and happiness will be the result!
Another tip, from Parker, is to use simple and colorful blankets, toys and backgrounds. These devices make great-looking photos. By using colorful blankets, rugs and toy, you can create a fun way to brighten and lighten up the photo and will also make your puppy or dog look more engaging and cute. There is also a tip that will bring a smile to your dog and it is an easy and simple thing to do. Take your dog for a quick run around the backyard or living room. Then, bring him or her back to the area where you want to photograph. In most cases, he or she will be panting, looking up at you with a cute and toothy grin. As he gives you this look, take aim and shoot a great picture!

Keep in mind; candid photos, photos that you can take when your dog doesn’t know you’re looking, can create cute and engaging photos. There are three ways this can be done; with a sneak attack, zoom or by using a camera extender. The sneak attack is when you take your shoes off and sneak up on your dog. Keep your camera up close to your face so as not to startle him. This is hard to do because dogs have a sharp sense of hearing. For the zoom effect, stand far away from your dog and get a wonderful shot without distracting him or her. The camera-extender is an effective way to get a good shot. The camera extender can be used to peek over fences, around corners and under tables. Priceless photos can come from a camera extender.
To conclude, taking good pictures of dogs can be fun and productive. Try one or more of the above tips and take some memorable photos!