Jeffrey English NJ Designer Shares The Funniest Graphic Designs of 2020

These days businesses struggle to draw attention to their brands through the use of graphics design because they stick with the same tired old strategies and fail to embrace new ideas that can have a powerful effect on their public image. This is especially true when it comes to using humor as a branding tool. The reality of the situation is the fact that professional graphics designers, like Jeffrey English NJ, can use humor in conjunction with graphics design to draw attention, and ultimately boost a company’s sales.
There are many different types of graphics design choices that a business can use, and most of them are relatively simple. The key is to know what graphics design works best with the sales funnel that a business is using, and the demographic they’re targeting.
1. The Classic Meme
While many people tend to associate memes with the younger crowd, the classic meme consisting of just a picture and a couple of lines of text actually originated decades ago as a graphics design choice for motivational posters. The classic meme basically just trades the motivational aspect for humor with a super simple design.
Using the classic meme graphic design technique is very easy to create, but it’s important for a business to be aware of a few issues. Firstly they have to find a way to brand the image so that people who see it will immediately associate it with their brand. They also have to be careful not to use memes in a way that causes them to be associated with undesirable parts of the Internet.
2. Caricatures
Caricatures are another funny graphics design choice that’s easy to use. By creating a graphic that depicts an exaggerated version of a well known figure, it’s easy to get across the humor even without words in many cases. In fact, caricatures have some of the most universal appeal out of all the different types of humorous graphics design strategies.
As with the classic meme, there are a few things to consider when using caricatures. The first is that the caricature must be of a person that is well known by the business’ demographic. If they don’t know who the image is parodying, then the joke will go right over their heads and it will all be for nothing. Secondly, there are certain laws that must be followed when doing something like this, such as parody laws. Violating the law, or opening one’s self up to a potential lawsuit is never a good idea.
3. Funny Infographics
While infographics may not seem like the optimal tool when it comes to presenting a humorous graphic design, there are many ways to incorporate humorous elements into an infographic that can catch attention, get across important info, and give the reader a laugh all at the same time. This can be an excellent way to present information that normally wouldn’t get read because people have short attention spans. If they’re being entertained and given a laugh as they read, then they’ll be more likely to read the entire thing.
One thing that should be mentioned is the fact that even humor can’t hold a person’s attention forever. An infographic need to be streamlined to present only the most vital information, and do so in a concise way. The humor should also not distract from the info either, or it will have defeated the entire purpose of the graphic.
4. Comic Style
This classic graphic design choice is a bit more situational, but can be a great way to draw the reader in, and get them to consume whatever message a business is trying to present. In some case this strategy may only need a single drawn panel to get the job done. In other cases several panels can be used.
The key to being successful with this method of graphics design is to incorporate strong branding elements so that readers will immediately associate the comic with the business that created it. The comic should also be as short and to the point as possible. This is because the longer the comic is, the less people will read it all the way to the end.
Choosing the Right Style
Using humor to promote one’s business with funny graphics designs is simple in theory, but can be complicated in execution. This is because everyone has different tastes when it comes to humor, and in some cases humor can cross the line and become offensive. As professional graphics designers like Jeffrey English NJ would say, a business needs to have a very in depth understanding of their demographic in order to use funny graphics design techniques effectively.
The great thing about using funny graphics design is the fact that not only does it draw attention, but it can keep people coming back for more since the humor has value in and of itself, which is something rare for a marketing or branding strategy. If a business can master this, then their branding efforts will be more powerful than ever.